The following table gives a brief description of the Course Talks delivered by Swami Samarpanananda.
Title | Description |
Bhagavatam in Bengali (XIth section)_1 | Talks in Bengali on Srimad Bhagavatam – XIth and XIIth section. |
Bhagavatam in Bengali – Avadhuta and his Gurus_1 | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24. |
Bhagavatam in Bengali – Avadhuta and his Gurus_2 (10.04.2017) | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) – Avadhuta and his Gurus - 3 (18.04.2017) | Bhagavatam (Bengali) – Avadhuta and his Gurus - 3 (18.04.2017) |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) – Avadhuta and his Gurus - 4 (25.04.2017) | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. |
Bhagavatam 5 (Bengali) - Avadhuta and his Gurus - 5 (02.05.2017) | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. It is from XIth section of Srimad Bhagavatam. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 6 – (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 09.05.2017 | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. It is from XIth section of Srimad Bhagavatam. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 7– (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 16.05.2017 | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. It is from XIth section of Srimad Bhagavatam. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 8– (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 23.05.2017 | This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. It is from XIth section of Srimad Bhagavatam. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 9 – (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 30.05.2017 | This is the last talk on Avadhut. This series of talks in Bengali is on Dattatreya (Avadhut) and his 24 Gurus. It is from XIth section of |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 10 – Bondage and Freedom – 06.06.2017 | XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. This talk discusses the nature of bondage and freedom of a soul as taught by Lord Krishna to Uddhav. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 11 – What is Mukti – 13.06.2017 | XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. This talk discusses the nature of bondage and freedom of a soul as taught by Lord Krishna to Uddhav. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 12 – Bhakta – 27.06.2017 | XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. This talk discusses the nature of bhakta as taught by Lord Krishna to Uddhav. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 13 – Satsang mahima – 11.07.2017 | This talk discusses the importance of holy company – satsang – in spiritual life as taught by Lord Krishna to Uddhav. Sri Krishna shows how gopis and others became blessed by mere company of his. XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 14 – How one becomes many – 18.07.2017 | How to know God? How to know the One who appears as many? This talk discusses these, and also shows how speech has four components – para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikhari ¬– through which creation is effected. XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 15 – Devotion, Meditation – 25.07.2017 | This talk introduces bhakti and dhyana. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 16 – Devotion, Meditation – 01.08.2017 | This talk continues with bhakti and dhyana. XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. |
Bhagavatam (Bengali) 17 – Intense bhakti and meditation | This talk continues discussing bhakti and dhyana. XIth Book of Srimad Bhagavatam is treated as its soul due to its high spiritual content. |

ভাগবত (11 স্কন্ধ ) --Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk- XI_1 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত (11 স্কন্ধ ) -- Bhagavatam ( Bengali) Bk 11 – Avadhuta and his Gurus_1 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত(11 স্কন্ধ ) |Bhagavatam in Bengali–Avadhuta and his Gurus_2(10.04.2017) | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত - Bhagavatam (Bengali)Bk-11 | Avadhuta and his Gurus - 3 (18.04.2017) | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত -Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk–11 | Avadhuta and his Gurus - 4 (25.04.2017) | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত-Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk - 11 | Avadhuta and his Gurus - 5 (02.05.2017) | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11- 6 | (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 09.05.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11- 7| (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 16.05.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11- 8| (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 23.05.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11- 9 | (Avadhuta and his Gurus) - 30.05.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11 - 10 | Bondage and Freedom – 06.06.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali)Bk 11 - 11 | What is Mukti – 13.06.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11-12 | Bhakta – 27.06.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11 - 13 | Satsang mahima – 11.07.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

ভাগবত- Bhagavatam (Bengali) Bk 11 - 14 | How one becomes many – 18.07.2017 | Swami Samarpanananda

Bhagavatam – 11th Book (Uddhava Gita) – Recorded Class Videos