Various Certificate Courses offered by the
School of Indian Spiritual Heritage, RKMVERI
Note: At present the below given Courses list is not exhaustive. For a complete list of courses please visit Admissions page or Courses Schedule page.

Course on Bhagavad-Gita: Traditional & Modern perspective (in Bengali)
Course on 'Bhagavad-Gita: Traditional and Modern perspective' spans two years. Classes are held on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) so as ...

Course on Bhagavatam (in Bengali)
The Bhagavatam course, in Bengali, is offered on Fridays. The Course is taught over a period of over a period ...

Course on Bharatiya Adhyatmik Aitihyar Sarsankshep (Essentials of Spiritual Heritage of India)
"Spirituality and culture are synonyms in the Indian context. To be cultured, in the highest sense, is to be spiritual. The more advanced ...

Course on Communicative Sanskrit
Communicative Sanskrit, or earlier known as Functional Sanskrit Course, is series of courses on Sanskrit for the general public. Conducted by ...

Course on Ramayan – Valmiki, Adhyatma & Tulasi (in Bengali)
The Course on Ramayana is based on the three well known versions namely, 'Valmiki Ramayana', 'Adhyatma Ramayan' and 'Tulasi Ramayana' ...

Course on Spiritual Heritage of India (in English)
This course covers the essentials of Indian Spiritual Heritage, as also the major scriptures of the Hindu tradition. It is ...
Course on Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita, Sri Chandi & Stotras
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita The teachings of Sri Ramakrishna (Kathamrita or 'Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' in English), faithfully transcribed by ...
Course on Swamijir Dev Vani (Inspired Talks)
At Thousand Island Park, USA during 19 June 1895 to 6 August 1895 (for about 7 weeks) Swami Vivekananda conducted ...

Course on Teen Ramayan ki Jhanki – Glimpse of three Ramayanas (in Hindi)
The Course on Ramayana is based on the three well known versions namely, 'Valmiki Ramayana', 'Adhyatma Ramayan' and 'Tulasi Ramayana' ...
Course on Vivekachudamani
Viveka Chudamani is a popular 'prakarana-grantha' (monograph) of Advaita Vedanta by Adi Sankaracharya. It gives exhaustive, step by step instructions ...