Admission to “Certificate Course on Indian Spiritual Heritage (online / virtual mode) for students in the United Kingdom (UK), Europe, USA and others starting from January 2025 for two years 2025-2026
Class Timing: Every Friday 16.15 to 17.15 Hrs (IST) starting from January 17, 2025 (for two years, about 80 talks, 1 hour each week, that is, total of 80 hours in two years).
The online class link will be provided to all the admitted students. Those who miss the live session will get link for the recorded version of the talk. These talks will not be uploaded on YouTube or any other social media.
Subjects: The course will cover an overview and part-detail of all major scriptures of India – Veda, Upanishads, Ramayana (Valmiki and Adhyatma), Mahabharata, Puranas, Gita, Smritis, Yoga, Tantra, Six Indian Philosophies, etc. The talks will also focus on the relatability of the scriptures to life. The examinations are optional and meant to help the scholars grasp the subject well. Addtional certificate of passing will be awarded to those who pass the examination.
Medium of Instruction: English
Text-book recommended for the Course: Living Hinduism by Samarpan, The Hindu Way by Samarpan. Other books will be recommended as the course progresses.
Course Instructor: Swami Samarpanananda. Author of many books, and teacher of this course at the University for nearly two decades.
For course related queries, please contact the Course Instructor: Swami Samarpanananda [Email Address: ;
Course Dakshina (fees): For the One year 100 pounds (GBP) (for the students joining from the UK), 120 Euros (for the students joining from the Europe), 130 US Dollars (for the students joining from the USA), 3000 Bangladeshi Taka (for the students joining from Bangladesh); For the Two year 200 pounds (GBP) (for the students joining from the UK), 240 Euros (for the students joining from the Europe), 260 US Dollars (for the students joining from the USA), 6000 Bangladeshi Taka (for the students joining from Bangladesh)
Registration form link:
Payment Link: Once the registration form is successfully submitted, a payment link will be sent to your registered email address within 1 working day. For payment related assistance, please send an email to .